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Billing 58558 together with 58560

Can CPT codes 58558 and 58560 be billed together? Also, can 58560 be billed with place of service 11?

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Coding Surgery teaser

Reimplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue

What is the correct code for laparoscopic reimplantation of ovarian tissue? 
Coding Surgery teaser

Coding for fluid aspiration during HSG

For physician-performed sonoHSG (58340& 76831) and uterine aspiration due to fluid, can an additional code for the aspiration be billed?
Coding Surgery teaser

Billing 58558 together with 58560

Can CPT codes 58558 and 58560 be billed together? Also, can 58560 be billed with place of service 11?
Coding Surgery teaser

Coding for aspiration of hydrosalpinx and endometrioma

Surgery was performed under anesthesia for Aspiration of right hydrosalpinx fluid and right endometrioma. Which CPT code would be best to use?

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ASRM MAC Tool 2021

The ASRM Müllerian Anomaly Classification 2021 (MAC2021) includes cervical and vaginal anomalies and standardize terminology within an interactive tool format.

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EMR Shared Phrases/Template Library

This resource includes phrases shared by ASRM physician members to provide a template for individuals to create their own EMR phrases.

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ASRM Practice Documents

These guidelines have been developed by the ASRM Practice Committee to assist physicians with clinical decisions regarding the care of their patients.

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ASRM Ethics Opinions

Ethics Committee Reports are drafted by the members of the ASRM Ethics Committee on the tough ethical dilemmas of reproductive medicine.

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Coding Corner Q & A

The Coding Corner Q & A is a list of previously submitted and answered questions from ASRM members about coding. Answers are available to ASRM Members only.

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Coding Icon

Reimplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue

What is the correct code for laparoscopic reimplantation of ovarian tissue?  View the Answer
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Coding for fluid aspiration during HSG

For physician-performed sonoHSG (58340& 76831) and uterine aspiration due to fluid, can an additional code for the aspiration be billed? View the Answer
Coding Icon

Billing 58558 together with 58560

Can CPT codes 58558 and 58560 be billed together? Also, can 58560 be billed with place of service 11? View the Answer
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Coding of identification of sperm in aspirate

During vasovasostomy/vasoepididyostomy procedures, our surgeons perform intra-op sperm identification from aspirate  View the Answer
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Surgery was performed under anesthesia for Aspiration of right hyrosalpinx fluid and right endometrioma. View the Answer
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Uterine Aspiration of Pregnancy of Unknown Location

What CPT code would be most appropriate for a manual uterine aspiration for a pregnancy of unknown location? View the Answer
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Eligibility to bill for facility fee

We are planning to open a new fertility clinic and I was wondering about the eligibility to bill insurance companies for “facility fee” for egg retrievals. View the Answer
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Resection Adenomyoma

I have a patient with an adenomyoma of the uterine wall that requires surgical excision and uterine repair. View the Answer
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Robotically Assisted Tubal Anastomosis

What is the correct CPT code for laparoscopic tubal anastomosis with robotic assistance?  View the Answer
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Surgery Coding

I took the ASRM coding course, and in that course, coding for bilateral neosalpingostomies was coded using only a dx of N70.11 (hydrosalpinx). View the Answer
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Tompkins Metroplasty

Is there a code for Tompkins Metroplasty? View the Answer
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Multiple Laparoscopic Procedures

Is it appropriate to bill for medically indicated, multiple procedures when performing laparoscopies?  View the Answer
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Office Hysteroscopy Billing

Do you all have a resource that details what all can be billed, or what all is bundled with the 58558 procedure when done in office?  View the Answer
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Ovarian Drilling

Is there a CPT Code for "Ovarian Drilling"? View the Answer
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Is there a CPT code for Ovariopexy procedure only, via mini-laparotomy? View the Answer
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Excision Ovarian Endometrioma

What code is used for a laparoscopic excision of endometriosis and an ovarian excision of endometrioma with bilateral ureterolysis is performed. View the Answer
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Hysteroscopic Tubal Cannulation Under Laparoscopic Guidance

How can one code for hysteroscopic transcervical fallopian tube cannulation under laparoscopic guidance?  View the Answer
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Hysteroscopy Polyp Suspected

What ICD-10 code do you use if a diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed for the preoperative diagnosis of uterine polyp? View the Answer
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Hysteroscopy Recurrent Implantation Failure

What is the appropriate ICD-10 code for recurrent implantation failure?  View the Answer
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D&C Under Ultrasound Guidance

What are the CPT codes and ICD-10 codes for coding a surgical case for a patient with history of Stage B adenocarcinoma of the cervix ... View the Answer
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Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

If the doctors do a hysteroscope #58555 in the office with a Endosee Scope, can I still use the same code even though it is in the office? View the Answer
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C-Section Ectopic Pregnancy

I’m writing for advice for CPT advice for managing cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy without concurrent intrauterine pregnancy (ICD-10 O00.80).  View the Answer
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Coding for Ovarian Drilling

Can you provide some information related to ovarian drilling that would assist non-physician administration (coders, billers)? View the Answer
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Coding For Placement Of A Cervical Stitch

Physicians at our practice are placing a stitch and dilating the cervix after egg retrievals for those patients that have cervical stenosis.  View the Answer
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Cycle Monitoring Fertility Preservation

If the patient is undergoing ultrasound tracking visits for fertility preservation, what I ICD-10 code do you use for the monitoring? View the Answer
Awards Icon

SRS Travel Scholar Award for Reproductive Surgery

The objective of the SRS Traveling Scholar Award is to provide for any trainee whose abstract submission focuses on reproductive surgery to expand their educational and networking experience. View the Award Information
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SRS-SMRU Travel Scholar Award for Male Reproductive Surgery

The objective of the SRS-SMRU Traveling Scholars Award is for any trainee whose abstract submission focuses on male reproductive surgery to expand their educational and networking experience. View the Award Information
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SRS In-Training Awards for Research

The purpose of these awards is to recognize outstanding research conducted by individuals in training.
View the Award Information
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DeCherney-Nezhat REI Fellows Traveling Scholars Award in Reproductive Surgery

The objective of this award is to expand educational and networking opportunities for REI Fellows with a  focus on reproductive surgery. View the Award Information
Videos Icon

Journal Club Global: Moving leiomyoma research from bench to bedside

Uterine leiomyomata are benign tumors that develop during the reproductive years with a 70-80% prevalence by menopause.
View the Video
Document Icon

Role of tubal surgery in the era of assisted reproductive technology: a committee opinion (2021)

This document reviews surgical options for reparative tubal surgery and the factors that must be considered when deciding between surgical repair and IVF.
View the Committee Opinion
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Postoperative adhesions in gynecologic surgery: a committee opinion (2019)

Postoperative adhesions are a natural consequence of surgical tissue trauma and healing and may result in infertility, pain, and bowel obstruction. View the Committee Opinion
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American Society for Reproductive Medicine position statement on uterus transplantation: a committee opinion (2018)

Following the birth of the first child from a transplanted uterus in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2014, other centers worldwide have produced scientific reports. View the Committee Opinion